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Title제5회 국제인지과학회 개최 및 논문 발표 안내2023-04-13 17:41
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Attachment[cogsci_16_첨부]ICCS_Poster_060222.pdf (1.87MB)
제목: 제 5회 국제인지과학회 개최 및 논문 발표 안내
수신: 한국인지과학회 회원
문서번호: cogsci-16

제 5회 국제인지과학회 개최 및 논문 발표 안내

다음과 같이 국제인지과학회가 북미의 인지과학회와 연계하여
7월 26일 캐나다 뱅쿠버에서 개최됩니다.

아직도 논문 발표 (포스터 포함) 신청을 받고 있습니다.
원고는 직접 ICCS 06 홈페이지에 들어가서 접수하시면 됩니다.
관심있는 회원 여러분의 적극적 참여를 바랍니다.

국내 연락책임:
성균관대학교 심리학과 도경수 교수 ksdo@skku,edu 전화: 02-760-0493

The 5th International Conference of the Cognitive Science
(based in the Asian-Pacific region)

일자: July 26, 2006
장소: Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada

In conjunction with the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society,
July 26-29 (tutorials and workshops on July 26)

Registration for ICCS2006 will let you attend this conference, and vice versa

Important Dates:
-Individual poster submissions due: February 27, 2006
-Final camera-ready copies due: May 20, 2006

Organized by
Naomi Miyake, Chair and the ICCS Steering Committee Members


1. Culture and Cognition 1: Neuro-linguistic analyses of macrostructure in narratives produced by Korean Right-Brain-Damaged patients
Organizer: BAIK Kyoung-Sun (Ewha Womans University, South Korea)

2. Culture and Cognition 2: How the mind and culture are shaped interactively: Bridging social and cognitive views
Organizer: Hiroshi Yama (Kobe College, Japan)

3. Culture and Language 1: Cognitive correlates of reading and spelling in Korean Hangul, English and Chinese Hanja among Korean children
Organizers: Jeung-Ryeul Cho &Jee-Young Lee (Kyungnam University)

4. Culture and Language 2: Language-specific semantics and categorization
Organizer: Soonja Choi (San Diego State University)

5. Android Science (Long symposium)
Organizers: Karl F. MacDorman, Ph.D. (Cambridge &Osaka University) &
Hiroshi Ishiguro (Osaka University)

6. Internal Observation as a Method for Constructive Science
Organizer: Hideyuki Nakashima (Future University - Hakodate)

7. Influence of Culture and Language on Concepts and Cognitive Functions
Origanizer: Mutsumi Imai (Keio University)