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Title2007 Biomagnetics Workshop 안내2023-04-13 17:57
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수신: 한국인지과학회 회원
제목: 2007 Biomagnetics Workshop 안내
문서번호: cogsci-65

2007 Biomagnetics Korea

일시 : 2007년 2월 23일 1:00 ~ 6:10
장소 : 서울대학교 의과대학 삼성암연구동 이건희홀
주최 : 서울대학교 신경외과학교실 &한국표준과학연구원

후원: 뇌인지과학연구사업, 고가특수연구기기지원사업
(주)엘렉타코리아, (주)영우메디텍, (주)하이메드

1. MEG Applications I 1:00 ~ 2:10
- Attentional allocation in schizophrenia at clinical high risk (권준수)
- The cerebral activation related to Korean word ambiguity: MEG study (유기순, 남기춘)
- Time-frequency analysis of working memory using MEG (박효진, 강은주, 이동수)
- Functional connectivity analysis using MEG recordings (정재승)

2. MEG Applications II 2:10 ~ 3:35
- Spatiotemporal pattern of brain activity during unilateral finger movement (우성호, 이경민)
- Recognition memory using EEG/MEG (김명선)
- Visual attention: combined analysis of MEG and fMRI (김광기)
- Role of MEG in epilepsy (정기영)
- Language lateralization (이서영)

Coffee break &poster 3:35 ~ 3:50

3. Transcranial magnetic stimulation 3:50 ~ 4:30
- rTMS and motor learning (유우경)
- TMS in epilepsy (이향운)

4. MEG Analysis 4:30 ~ 6:10
- MEG responses to syntactic and semantic violations in spoken Korean sentences (권혁찬)
- Development of MEG and MCG (이용호)
- Emerging issues in MEG/EEG source imaging (임창환)
- Causality in MEG/EEG (한승기)
- Distribution-based minimum-norm estimation (김준식)
- Spatio-temporal reconstruction of EEG/MEG sources (한주만, 박광석)