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TitleCALL FOR PARTICIPATION International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces2023-04-13 17:46
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International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
수 신: 한국인지과학회 회원 제위
문서번호: cogsci-37

International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2007)
Hawaii, USA January 2007

IUI 2007 seeks high-quality, original submissions of reports on
research about intelligent user interfaces. It encourages participation
from around the globe by both academic and industrial researchers and
developers. All submissions will be reviewed by a distin guished
international program committee.

Please note: We have placed the submission deadline as close as
possible to the publication date. It will therefore be impossible for
us to grant even the smallest extension. For clarity and fairness, the
server will stop accepting submissions just after 11:59 pm Pacific
Daylight Time. Please plan accordingly when preparing your submissions!

Long Papers Monday, 18 September 2006, 11:59 pm PDT
Short Papers Monday, 18 September 2006, 11:59 pm PDT
Tutorial proposals Monday, 14 August 2006, 11:59pm PDT
Workshop proposals Monday, 14 August 2006, 11:59pm PDT
All paper submissions and reviews will be handled via

Why submit to IUI 2007?
The series of annual conferences on Intelligent User Interfaces is the
principal international forum for the presentation and discussion of
outstanding research and application s involving intelligent user
interfaces. Its proceedings, which are available both as hard copy and
via the ACM Digital Library, are widely read and cited.

The central track of the technical program comprises plenary
presentations of full-length papers, which are selected by the program
committee after in-depth analysis and discussion. A complementary set
of short paper presentations and demos stimulates discussion on work in

The conference experience also includes a variety of other activities:
workshops, tutorials, invited talks by leading figures, and an
occasional panel. Just as important are the lively informal discussions
that are encouraged by the fact that most of the conference events are
attended by all of the participants.

Topics of interest for IUI include all aspects of intelligent user
interfaces. Successful papers include aspects of both intelligence and
interface. The following are sample topics: Interpretation of user
input Processing of multimodal input Natural language and speech
processing Affective interfaces
Example- and demonstration-based interfaces
Generation of system output
Intelligent visualization tools
Intelligent generation of multimedia presentations
Ubiquitous computing
Intelligent interfaces for ubiquitous computing
Smart environments
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent assistants for complex tasks
Planning and plan recognition
Intelligent information and knowledge management
Support for collaboration in multiuser environments Personalization and
recommender systems User modelling User-adaptivity in interactive
systems Modeling and prediction of user behavior Interface Design
Knowledge-based approaches to user interface design and generation
Proactive and agent-based paradigms for user interaction User studies
User studies concerni ng intelligent interfaces Evaluations of
implemented intelligent user interfaces

The programs of previous IUI conferences are available via the
conference website (see
IUI 2007 encourages submissions from those who have done relevant work
but who have not previously submitted to an IUI conference. In case of
doubt about the relevance of your work, do not hesitate to ask the
program chairs (papers at or the short paper chairs (short-
papers at for advice.

Submission of Long and Short Papers
There are two categories of paper submission:
LONG PAPER submissions should report on substantial contributions of
lasting value. Each accepted long paper will be presented in a plenary
session of the main conference program. An accompanying demonstration
can be presented in a poster/demo session. The maximum length is 10
pages in the two-column SIGCHI confere nce paper format. Detailed
guidelines will be available on the conference website closer to the
submission date.

SHORT PAPER submissions typically discuss exciting new work that is not
yet mature enough for a long paper. Each accepted short paper will be
presented in a poster/demo session. The presentation may include a
system demonstration. The maximum length is 4 pages in SIGCHI format.

Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the
program committee. Each long paper submission will also be read by a
"meta-reviewer": a senior program committee member who will produce a
coherent summary of the reviews.

An Outstanding Paper Award will be presented to the one or two
strongest papers submitted to the long paper track. These papers will
be selected by the program committee on the basis of the significance
of the contribution, the relevance to the IUI conference, and the
quality of the wri ting. The Outstanding Paper(s) will be publicized
before and after the conference, and the authors will receive a modest
monetary award and a framed award certificate in recognition of their
contribution to the field.

Accepted papers from both categories will be included in the conference
proceedings, to be published in hard copy by the ACM Press and
electronically in the ACM Digital Library

Long and short papers must be formatted according to the two-column
format of the SIGCHI conference series. Papers that exceed the length
limit, or that squeeze extra text into the allowed number of pages via
changes to the style, will not be reviewed.

Multiple submissions policy: A paper should not be submitted to IUI
2007 if the same paper - or a substantially similar version - has
already been accepted for publication by another conference, if it is
currently under review for anothe r conference, or if it will be
submitted to another conference by 18 September 2006.

To submit a long or short paper, please visit and follow the instructions given
there. (Note to Linux users: Although the Conference Reviewing System
has not been officially validated for use under Linux, according to the
experience of the program cochairs it is unlikely that you will
actually encounter

Time line for long and short papers:
Monday, 18 Sept 2006, 11:59 pm PDT Submission of manuscripts for review
Monday, 30 Oct 2006 Notification about acceptance or rejection Monday,
13 Nov 2006 Camera-ready submissions due to Publisher

The purpose of the workshops is to provide an informal forum for
practitioners and researchers to discuss their current work and issues
of common interest. The formats of the workshops will be determined by
their organizers, who are encouraged to foster discussion and exchange
of ideas by including mechanisms other than traditional paper
presentations, differentiating their workshops clearly from typical
conference sessions.

For further information about the submission of workshop proposals, see
the conference website. Time line for workshop proposal submissions:
Monday, 14 August 2006 Submission of proposal Monday, 4 September 2006
Notification about acceptance or rejection Monday, 11 September 2006
Submission of call for participation

The purpose of a tutorial is either to offer an introduction to a
fairly broad topic for newcomers to intelligent user interfaces or to
enable experienced participants to deepen their knowledge of a more
specific topic. For further information about the submission of
tutorial proposals, see the conference website.

Time line for tutorial proposal submissions:
Monday, 14 August 2006 Submission of proposal
Monday, 4 September 2006 Notification about acceptance or rejection
Monday, 11 September 2006 Submission of tutorial description Monday, 13
November 2006 Camera-ready summary due to publisher

General Chairs:
David Chin, University of Hawaii, USA
Michelle Zhou, IBM TJ Watson Research, USA

Program Chairs:
Tessa Lau, IBM Almaden Research, USA
Angel Puerta, RedWhale software, USA

Short paper chairs:
Andreas Butz, University of Munich, Germany
Joyce Chai, Michigan State University, USA

Workshop chairs
Antonio Krueger, University of Muenster, Germany
Geunbae (Gary) Lee, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea

Tutorial chair
Pearl Pu, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland

Publicity chair
Fang Chen, NICTA, Australia

Local arrangement/Registration chair
Kim Binsted, University of Hawaii, USA

Lawrence Bergman, T. J. Watson, USA