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TitleJournal of Cognitive Science-Call for Papers2023-04-13 17:43
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제목: [Journal of Cognitive Science] Call for Papers
수신: 한국인지과학회 회원
문서번호: cogsci-26

[Journal of Cognitive Science] Call for Papers

The Journal of Cognitive Science (JCS) is published biannually by the Institute for Cognitive Science at Seoul National University, located in Seoul, Korea. Its main concern is to publish research articles of highest quality and significance within the disciplines of cognitive science, including, but not limited to, philosophy, psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, aesthetics, anthropology, and education, insofar as it is deemed to be of interest to those who pursue the study of mind. In particular, we would like to encourage submissions that cross the traditional disciplinary boundaries.

The JCS showcases quality research, improves the exchange of ideas, and illustrates the interdisciplinary work that is the hallmark of the cognitive science field.
Contributions may be in the form of articles, brief reports, reviews, or squibs.

Editorial Board includes:
Adeli Hojjat, The Ohio State University
Etsuko Harada, Hosei University
Koiti Hasida, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Ping Li, University of Richmond
Chen Lin, University of Science and Technology of China
Charles Ling, Western Ontario University, Ontario, Canada
Reiko Mazuka, Duke University
Yasuhiro Shirai, Cornell University
Peter Slezak, The University of New South Wales, among others.

Advisory Editorial Board includes:
Alfonso Caramazza, Harvard University
Jean-Pierre Déscles, University of Paris – Sorbonne
Dedre Gentner, Northwestern University
Kazuhiko Kakehi, Nagoya University
Jaegwon Kim, Brown University
Géraldine Legendre, Johns Hopkins University
Jay McClelland, Carnegie Mellon University
Paul Smolensky, Johns Hopkins University
Leonard Talmy, SUNY, Buffalo, among others.

All submissions must be in English, clearly written and in sufficient detail to allow the referees to assess the merits of the work. Papers should be no longer than 5500 words, and should conform to the JCS style guide or one of the popular style guides, such as the APA, L&P, MLA, and IEEE formats. Papers will be received and processed any time as promptly as possible.

Authors should send both an electronic copy (Ms Word) and a hardcopy (N.B., a .pdf file may replace the hardcopy) to JCS.
- Hardcopies should be forwarded to the following address:

(Prof) Chungmin Lee (
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Cognitive Science
Department of Linguistics (and Cognitive Science Program)
Seoul National University
Seoul, 151-742
Republic of Korea
- All electronic submissions should be sent to

Each submission will be brought to two or three (blind) international reviewers. The contents of reviews will be forwarded to the authors, who will then have an opportunity to make revisions if warranted. Smolensky, Caramazza, and Déscles published articles in JCS.

Commenced publication in 2000.

ISSN: 1598-2327
Year 2000 – Volume 1; Issues 1 & 2 (combined)
Year 2001 – Volume 2; Issue 1, Issue 2.
Year 2002 – Volume 3: Issue 1, Issue 2
Year 2003 – Volume 4: Issue 1, Issue 2
Year 2004 – Volume 5 Issue 1, Issue 2
Year 2005 – Volume 6 Issue 1 in press.

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