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Title아시아-태평양 시각학회 2012(Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision 2012)2023-04-13 18:23
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Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision

APCV 2012 is the 8th annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. It will take place in Incheon, Korea, from July 13-15, 2012. Following previous events, this meeting will provide a forum for scientists from all parts of the world to meet each other and to share and lively debate recent findings on various topics of vision, including neural, psychophysical, computational, clinical and applied aspects of vision.

The conference venue is conveniently located just 30 minutes away from the Incheon International Airport and an hour from the major attractions of Seoul, capital of the peninsula for over 600 years.

Deadline of abstract submission is March 15. For details, please visit the conference web page,

Program Overview

The program of the APCV 2012 offers four types of podium for scientific discussion: Keynote lectures, Symposia, Oral and Poster sessions.

Keynote lectures:

The Keynote Lecture series will feature three field-leading neuroscientists, who enthusiastically accepted our invitation to deliver a 90-minute lecture on recent advances in their work on visual systems.

“Your Wandering Mind: Neuronal Correlates and Behavioral Consequences”
Dr. John Maunsell, Alice and Rodman W. Moorhead III Professor of Neurobiology at Harvard Medical School, will discuss how he could track down the footprints of wandering mind by recording simultaneously from dozens of neurons in visual cerebral cortex.

“Probing Visual Processing Outside of Conscious Awareness”
Dr. Randolph Blake, Centennial Professor of Psychology/Opthalmology at Vanderbilt University and Professor of Brain & Cognitive Sciences at SNU, will reveal how he uses binocular rivalry to peek behind the curtain of visual awareness to probe unconscious visual processing.

“Feature-based Attention in Health and Disease”
Dr. Jason Mattingley (Foundation Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience of the Queensland Brain Institute and the School of Psychology at the U of Queensland) will conclude the keynote series by taking us to a panoramic vista point where we can view the differential landscapes of healthy and dysfunctional minds through multiple windows of probing tools such as psychophysics, brain stimulation and imaging.


Each of the 6 symposia consists of a set of thematically focused oral presentations on a particular topic, with an organizer promoting active discussion and integration.

“Brain and Behavioral Mechanisms of Biological Motion”
Songjoo Oh (SNU, Korea) will kick off the first symposium of the conference with Ian Thornton (Swansea U, UK), Masahiro Hirai (Aichi Human Service Center, Japan), Jejoong Kim (Duksung Women’s U, Korea) and Frank Pollick (U of Glasgow, UK). They will explore the nature and development of biological motion processing ability in the normal population, in clinical settings and as a function of domain-specific expertise, with focus on how different methodologies can each contribute to constructing an overall picture of how we process biological motion.

“The Brain in Action”
Joris Vangeneugden (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy) organized this symposium by bringing James C. Thompson (George Mason U, USA), Guy Orban (U of Parma, Italy), Ayse Pinar Saygin (UCSD, USA) and Anthony Atkinson (Durham U, UK) to the conference. They will discuss recent advances in our understanding of the neural underpinnings of action perception, which were achieved by applying various imaging/stimulation techniques in both humans and monkeys on a network of ‘action perception’ areas such as pSTS, premotor, EBA, OFA and FFA.

“Adaptation and Aftereffects”
By putting together the contributions from David Whitney (UC Berkeley, USA), Yoko Mizokami (Chiba U, Japan) and Fang Fang (Peking University, China) with their own ones, Ikuya Murakami (Tokyo University, Japan) and Arni Kristjansson (U of Iceland, Iceland) co-organized a podium for active discussion on neural mechanisms of visual adaptation and aftereffects and their behavioral consequences, with the aim of uncovering their functional benefits. This group will show that aftereffects are not mere curiosities but may instead reflect strategic gain modulations and changes of responding on behalf of the visual system.

“Mechanisms of Motion Perception”
Duje Tadin (Rochester U, USA) organized a symposium on one of the most heavily studied sub-modalities of vision. The speakers for this symposium include Bart Krekelberg (Rutgers U, USA), Sang-Hun Lee (SNU, Korea), Shin’ya Nishida (NTT, Japan) and Alan Stocker (U of Pennsylvania, USA). They will present recent advances in our understanding of motion perception from psychophysics, neurophysiology, computational modeling and neuroimaging.

“New Perspectives on Ecological Optics”
This symposium will examine the contributions of Gibson's theory of ecological optics to current research efforts as they explore the ongoing challenges posed by such key Gibsonian concepts as "affordance" and "optical invariants," as well as the role of vision in controlling movement, Gibson's paradigmatic example. Nam-Gyoon Kim (Keimyung U, Korea) organized this symposium, and the speakers include Benoit Bardy (U Montpellier-1, France), Zsolt Palatinus (U of Connecticut, USA), Endre Kadar (U of Portsmouth, UK) and Namhun Kim (UNU of Science and Technology, Korea).

“Across the Surface of Conscious Visual Awareness”
Chai-Youn Kim (Korea U, Korea) will conclude the symposium series of APCV 2012 by presenting a forum on conscious visual awareness with three other speakers: Sheng He (U of Minnesota, USA), Joel Pearson (U of New South Wales, Australia), Naotsugu Tsuchiya (Monash University, Australia). The speakers at this symposium will explore various paradigmatic phenomena for manipulating conscious visual awareness and various factors influencing our becoming consciously aware of visual stimuli. The neural correlates of conscious visual awareness will also be discussed, too.

Social events:

To promote informal communication and friendship among participating vision scientists, two social night events (reception party and banquet) and coffee/tea breaks are arranged in between the scientific sessions.

Abstract Submission

The abstract must be written in English, and should be no longer than 250 words. Abstract submissions should be made via the APCV official web site,

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee consisting of experts recommended by seven member communities covering diverse areas of vision studies. Accepted abstracts will appear in the conference program and will be published with i-Perception.

Each submission will indicate a preference in either oral or poster format. The program committee will do the best in an effort to reflect the indicated preferences, but please be advised that accepted abstracts may be allocated to either presentation format.

Symposium speakers are also expected to register and submit abstracts, one from each speaker. These abstract are not reviewed.

Each participant may present just one submission, but may co-author more than one.

Detailed instructions of oral and poster presentations will be available soon at

Important Dates:

Deadline of abstract submission: March 15, 2012
Acceptance notification: April 15, 2012
Deadline of early-bird registration: May 15, 2012

We look forward to welcoming you in Incheon, Korea!

Choongkil Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
Organizing Committee Chair

Sang-Hun Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
Program Committee Chair