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Title[jlp2001] 2nd call for papers: International Conference on Processing Head-final Structures2023-04-13 17:57
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econd Call for Papers: The abstract deadline has been extended to May 15th.

International Conference on Processing Head-final Structures
September 21-22, 2007
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, New York

NEW Deadline for abstract submission
Abstract deadline for both talks and posters: May 15th, 2007

Conference Website

Over the last few decades, the field of Sentence Processing has made remarkable strides largely through the investigation of processing in English, a head-initial language. However, studying the processing of head-final structures and making comparisons to that of head-initial structures are critical for researchers to gain deeper insights into how humans are able to process different types of information observed in different types of languages. The current conference will promote dialogue and interchange among international scholars working on cutting-edge research on head-final structures in a wide range of languages. Cross-linguistic findings from languages with prominent head-final structures will be brought together and compared, including the comparisons among head-final languages, and those with head-initial languages such as English. The conference will deal with language processing and production by a wide range of speakers from adults to children, as native speakers and as speakers of a foreign language. It will also be a place for exchanging new methodologies, examining language-specific issues, and helping to determine a research agenda for the next several years.

Invited Speakers

Keynote Speaker
Janet Dean Fodor (CUNY Graduate Center)

Plenary Speakers
Sachiko Aoshima (American University)
Florian Jaeger (UC San Diego/University of Rochester)
Barbara Lust (Cornell University)
Christoph Scheepers (University of Glasgow)
Shravan Vasishth (Potsdam University)

Call for Papers
Abstracts are invited for (1) 20-min presentations (followed by 10 min discussion) and (2) poster presentations. Submissions are solicited in areas including, but not limited to, the following:

- Comparisons of processing within head-final languages, such as differences in the use of verb information in Japanese vs. Korean, and in German head-final constructions vs. strict verb-final languages such as Japanese and Korean.
- Contrastive studies of head-final and head-initial structures. Studies using new methodologies and those focusing on underinvestigated languages will be particularly welcome.
- Data on underinvestigated constructions, languages, and phenomena in general are welcome. Examples include data from Hindi, Chinese, Korean, Basque, and Turkish, among others.
- New data on current issues such as the processing of relative clauses, incremental processing, and structural priming in head-final structures. Those who employ innovative methods of investigation are particularly encourage L2 processing/production by speakers whose native language has an opposite head-direction. These include cases such as English or French speakers learning Japanese, Chinese, or Korean, or Japanese, Chinese, or Korean speakers learning English or French, etc.

Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstracts are invited for (1) 20-min presentations (followed by 10 min discussion) and (2) poster presentations.

The text should be in 12 pt font, and no longer than 400 words excluding references and examples. References and examples should follow the main text, and they together should not exceed 20 lines. The name and affiliation of the author(s) should not be included in the abstract.

Email the abstract in PDF format to with title "submission." The body of the email must include the following information:
a. names and affiliations of all authors
b. telephone number and mailing address of the contact person
c. preferred presentation format: indicate the submission for talk only, poster only, or for either
d. We are currently applying for a travel fund for graduate students. Indicate your interest in receiving the funding, if it becomes available.

All questions about the conference should be addressed to:

Organizing Committee
Yuki Hirose (University of Tokyo)
Jerry Packard (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Hiroko Yamashita (Rochester Institute of Technology)