Journal of Cognitive Science is an official journal of the International Association for Cognitive Science (IACS, and the Institute for Cognitive Science at Seoul National University. It is published quarterly by the Institute for Cognitive Science at Seoul National University, located in Seoul, Korea. The Association currently consists of member societies of different countries such as Australia, China, Japan, Korea, and European Union.
However, paper submission by anyone in the whole world is welcome at any time. Its main concern is to showcase research articles of highest quality and significance within the disciplines of cognitive science, including, but not limited to, philosophy, psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, aesthetics, anthropology, and education, insofar as it is deemed to be of interest to those who pursue the study of mind. In particular, we would like to encourage submissions that cross the traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Our articles are indexed in the following databases:
- Google Scholar
- ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index, Thomson Reuters)
- KCI (Korea Citation Index)
Aims & Scope:
The Journal of Cognitive Science (JCS) is published quarterly on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September, 31 December (founded in 2000) as the official journal of International Association for Cognitive Science (IACS) by the Institute for Cognitive Science at Seoul National University. It is a SCOPUS, ESCI, EBSCO, KCI journal. It aims to publish research articles of the highest quality and significance within the disciplines that form cognitive science, including philosophy, psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, anthropology, and education for Interdisciplinary Journal. Submissions that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries in either themes or methods are especially encouraged. AI-associated Cognitive Science will be newly reinforced and papers in this area are encouraged to be submitted.
Editorial Board:
▣ Editor-in-Chief:
Chungmin Lee, Seoul National University
▣ Editors:
Cameron Buckner, University of Houston
Sook Whan Cho, The State University of New York at Stony Brook, Songdo
Alberto Greco, University of Genova
Koiti Hasida, University of Tokyo
AI Assistant Editor: Taikyeong Jeong, Hallym University
The Editorial Board and Advisory Editorial Board:
° Hojjat Adeli, The Ohio State University
° Kenneth A. Augustyn, Michigan Technological University
° Bruno G. Bara, University of Turin
° Ned Block, New York University
° David Chalmers, Australian National University
° Ivan Enrici, University of Turin
° Peter Gärdenfors, Lund University, Sweden
° Merrill Garrett, University of Arizona
° Dedre Gentner, Northwestern University
° Etsuko Harada, University of Tsukuba, Japan
° Hidehito Honda, Otemon Gakuin University
° Joonhwan Lee, Seoul National University
° Tania Ionin, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
° Kiwako Ito, The University of Newcastle (UON)
° Hong-Gee Kim, Seoul National University
° Kihyeon Kim, Seoul National University
° Gary Geunbae Lee, Pohang University of Science and Technology
° Martha Lewis, University of Bristol
° Chen Lin, Chinese Academy of Science
° Charles Ling, Western Ontario University, Canada
° Edouard Machery, University of Pittsburgh
° Asifa Majid, University of Oxford
° Klaus Manizer, Technical University of Munich
° Tetsuro Matsuzawa, Kyoto University
° Reiko Mazuka, Duke University
° Louise McNally, Pompeu Fabra University
° Byoung-Kyong Min, Korea University
° Yasuhiro Shirai, Case Western Reserve University
° Hua Shu, Beijing Normal University
° Peter Slezak, The University of New South Wales
° Hyeon-joo Song, Yonsei University
° Li-Hai Tan, Shenzhen Institute of Neuroscience
° Paul Thagard, University of Waterloo, Canada
° Markus Werning, Ruhr University Bochum
° Byoung-Tak Zhang, Seoul National University
° Linmin Zhang, New York University, Shanghai
Editor-in-Chief, Chungmin Lee, Ph.D
Journal of Cognitive Science Room 308,
Humanities Building #14
Seoul National University
Republic of Korea, 151-742