Workshop Semantic Annotation for Computational Linguistic Resources in conjunction with THE 5th IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SEMANTIC COMPUTING
Stanford University Palo Alto, California, USA September 18-21, 2011
The aim of this workshop is to attract experts from the many diverse communities working on the semantic annotation or representation of linguistic information, as expressed in text, speech, video, graphics, images, and as this relates to semantic information presented in multiple modalities. Semantic annotations refer to the metadata markup of times, locations, countries, events, other named entities, as well as relations such as semantic roles and co-reference links. Hence, one goal is to integrate the findings and tools from computational linguistics and the corpus annotation sciences with the community from information retrieval working on metadata tagging and semantic annotation. The main focus of the workshop will be on sharing information, techniques, annotation environments, and discussion of interoperable formats and standardization of content markup.
Topics will include: -methodological aspects of semantic annotation -experiments in or with semantic annotation -semantic annotation and semantic interpretation -semantic annotation, ontologies, and inferencing -the semantics of semantic annotations -issues in semantic annotation for question answering -semantic annotation tools and environments -annotation in the service of data mining -temporal entities and relations -spatial entities and relations -event and process annotation -semantic roles and predicate-argument structures -discourse relations
This one-day workshop complements the main conference themes by focusing on natural language processing, semantic annotation, metadata specifications, and applications in data mining, information retrieval, question answering systems, and other language based applied systems.
June 3rd, 2011: Regular & Short Paper Submission June 23th, 2011: Notification Date July 15th, 2011: Camera-Ready & Registration
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE James Pustejovsky, Brandeis University (Workshop Co-Chair, Contact) Kiyong Lee, Korea University (Workshop Co-Chair) Harry Bunt, Tilburg University (Workshop Co-Chair) Laurent Romary, INRIA (Workshop Co-Chair)
Emily Bender Nicoletta Calzolari Steve Cassidy Thierry Declerck Alex Fang Gil Francopoulo Dan Flickinger Nancy Ide David McDonald Eric Nyberg Martha Palmer Sameer Pradhan Rashmi Prasad Roser Sauri Marc Verhagen Nianwen Xue Yorick Wilks Annie Zaenen |