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Title서울내러티브연구소 월례세미나 공고2023-04-13 17:43
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Attachment[cogsci_27_첨부]손명호선생님홈페이지.pdf (71.8KB)[cogsci_27_첨부]약도.bmp (784.8KB)

제목: 서울내러티브연구소 월례세미나 공고
수신: 한국인지과학회 회원
문서번호: cogsci-27
첨부파일: [cogsci-27-첨부]손명호선생님홈페이지.pdf

서울내러티브연구소 월례세미나 공고

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날짜: 2006년 5월 16일 화요일
시간: 오후 6시
장소: 서울대학교병원 암연구센터 이건희홀

Conflict monitoring and cognitive control
Myeong-Ho Sohn George Washington University

The conflict-monitoring model suggests that registration of response conflicts triggers executive control mechanisms that reduce the harmful effect of conflicting information on task performance. According to this model, conflict monitoring is implicated in the anterior cingulate cortex and the conflict signal detected by ACC is then transmitted to an endogenous control mechanism such as the dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC). In this presentation, several implications of the conflict-monitoring model will be explored. First, a behavioral study shows that a conflict monitoring process may indeed constitute an independent processing stage that may be different from task selection or response selection. Second, an fMRI study shows that ACC responds to endogenously triggered response conflict as well as exogenously detected conflict, which mirrors PFC activation. Third, another behavioral study shows that conflict monitoring-like processes can be observed at a higher level of cognitive control such as during task switching. These studies converge on the conclusion that conflict monitoring and consequently the role of ACC need to be considered in a wider scope of cognitive control.