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Title2007 International Conference on Linguistics in Korea-CallforPapers2023-04-13 17:52
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제목: 2007 International Conference on Linguistics in Korea-CallforPapers
수신: 한국인지과학회 회원
문서번호: cogsci-55

2007 International Conference on Linguistics in Korea

The Linguistic Society of Korea (LSK) is pleased to announce a special international conference on linguistics during January 19 and 20, 2007, at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.

Abstracts are invited for 20-minute talks (plus 10 minutes of discussion), and a poster session, on any aspect of theoretical linguistics and closely-related fields.

DEADLINE for Abstract Submissions: November 30, 2006
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: December 19, 2006
Conference: January 19-20, 2007

Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Noam Chomsky (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Invited Speakers:
Martin Atkinson (University of Essex)
Cedric Boeckx (Harvard University)
Zeljko Bošcović (University of Connecticut)
Marcel den Dikken (City University of New York)
Eduard Hovy (University of Southern California)
K.A. Jayaseelan (University of Hyderabad)
Andrew Radford (University of Essex)
Mamoru Saito (Nanzan University)
Peter Svenonius (University of Tromsoe)
Dong-Whee Yang (MIT)

All abstracts should be submitted as email attachments, in PDF format or MS word format, to:

When submitting an abstract, your email should have as its subject ‘Abstract’, and in its body the following text:

* author name(s), affiliation(s) and e-mail address(es)
* title of abstract
* abstract sub-area (at most two): acquisition, morphology, phonology/phonetics, pragmatics, psycholinguistics, semantics, syntax
* session(s) you would like your abstract to be considered for: main, poster

Abstracts should be anonymous, and limited to one page (using 1 inch margin on all sides and 11 point font size) and a second page containing examples and references. Any non-standard fonts should be embedded in the PDF document.

Submissions are limited to one individual and one joint abstract per author.

For additional information, please contact the organizers at

Youngjun Jang
Secretary General, Linguistic Society of Korea
Prof. Department of English Language and Literature
Chung-Ang University
221 Hukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel) 82-2-815-5178 (cp.) 82-11-9720-5581

Conference website: