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TitleGWC 06 학회 홍보2023-04-13 17:40
Name Level 10

제목: GWC 06 학회 홍보
수신: 한국인지과학회
문서번호: cogsci-03

The Third International WordNet Conference (GWC-06)

일시 : 2006년 1월 22일(일) ~ 26일(목)
장소 : 제주도 서귀포 KAL 호텔
주관 : Global WordNet Association
홈페이지 :

Event :
The Third International WordNet Conference (GWC-06) will be hosted by the Global WordNet Association(GWA) on the beautiful Jeju Island, Korea. Discover the fantastic nature of Jeju, Hawaii of the Far East, on January, 2006. We expect an audience in excess of 300 participants, drawn from academic and industrial organizations across the world. The conference itself consists of five days of parallel paper presentations, and a number of associated specialist workshops and tutorials. There will also be exhibits and technology demonstrations. The audience will include research leaders from major international corporations such as Microsoft and IBM, and technical specialists from internationally acclaimed research institutions such as Princeton University and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). It is an event that will be locked in to the calendars of anyone who is serious about cutting edge developments in the language technologies.


A. Linguistics and WordNet:
a. In depth analysis of Semantic Relations,
b. Theoretical definitions of word meaning,
c. Necessity and Completeness issues.
B. Architecture of WordNet:
a. Language independent and language dependent components
C. Tools and Methods for Wordnet Development:
a. User and Data entry interface, organization,
b. Extending and enriching wordnets
c. Integrating WordNet with other linguistic resources
(SUMO, Top ontologies, VerbNet, FrameNet, etc.)
D. WordNet as a lexical resource and component of NLP and MT:
a. Word sense disambiguation using wordnet(s)
b. Ontologies and WordNet(s)
c. The Lexicon and WordNet(s)
d. Semantic interpretation and WordNet(s)
E. Applications of WordNet:
a. Information Extraction and Retrieval,
b. Document Structuring and Categorization,
c. Automatic Hyperlinking
d. Language Teaching,
e. Psycholinguistic Applications
F. Standardization, distribution and availability of wordnets and wordnet tools.

We expect there to be approximately 70 papers presented in the main sessions; there will be three or four plenary invited talks by international leaders in the field, and a large number of satellite events.

Organizing Committee :
Organizing Chair : Key-Sun Choi, Korea
Conference Co-Chair and Program Co-Chairs
- Christiane Fellbaum, USA
- Piek Vossen, Netherlands
Financial Chair : Dosam Hwang , Korea
Publication Co-Chairs
- Editing: Karel Pala, Petr Sojka, Czech
- Printing: Deok-Bong Kim , Korea
Web Chair: Sun-Mee Bae , Korea
- Web master: Hyochan Park , Korea