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Title인지과학 전공후 진출 가능 분야2023-04-13 17:04
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인지과학 전공을 하면 장래 어떤 전공분야나 직종에 진출할 수
있는가에 대하여 비교적 간략하게 대답을 해주는 글이 있어서 올립니다.

What Can I Do With A Major in Cognitive Science?

Source: Indiana University, Cognitive Science Undergraduate Program home page.
(taken from the Undergraduate Cognitive Science Newsletter, Sept./Oct. 1998)

인지과학 전공을 하면 장래 어떤 전공분야나 직종에 진출할 수
있는가에 대하여 비교적 간략하게 대답을 해주는 글이 있어서 올립니다.
첨부 화일은 여기의 본문과 동일한 내용입니다.

What Can I Do With A Major in Cognitive Science?

Source: Indiana University, Cognitive Science Undergraduate Program home page.
(taken from the Undergraduate Cognitive Science Newsletter, Sept./Oct. 1998)

Is graduate study your next step? Do you plan to obtain a professional position
upon graduation? How do you intend to apply the skills and knowledge acquired in
your undergraduate coursework to life after IU? Believe it or not, you're not
alone if your answers to these questions are less than certain. The "What can I
do with a major in..." section will be a regular feature in this newsletter over
the course of the academic year. Its purpose is to introduce a variety (or
sample) of career fields (and programs of graduate study) where cognitive
science students might apply their knowledge and skills. The "What can I do with
a major in..." section aims to encourage student exploration of future
educational and professional options. It does not propose to present an
exhaustive list of "jobs" that students can do with a cognitive science degree,
because the possibilities are endless!

Using Your Major: Myths and Realities

Many college students believe there is an exact match between academic
majors and specific career fields. This belief creates a pressure to choose the
"right" major.

Most college majors don't offer specific preparation for a single type
of work. While the relationship of college major to career field varies,
relatively few career choices dictate that you choose a particular major,
examples of "direct" majors include nursing, architecture, accounting, or

In fact, choice of major is only one factor in determining future educational
and professional options. Your grades, the electives you choose, and the skills
you acquire through your coursework, often tell employers or graduate schools
more about what you have to offer them than does your major. Furthermore, other
factors such as your personal traits, your goals, your experience (jobs,
internships, volunteer work, extracurricular activities), and your knowledge of
and demonstrated interest in a career field play a large part in determining an
employer's response to you.

Applying Your Cognitive Science Knowledge and Skills

The interdisciplinary nature of cognitive science offers students a variety of
options for applying their knowledge and skills to professional positions or
further study at the graduate level. In general, the undergraduate cognitive
science curriculum equips students with the ability to communicate clearly,
critically evaluate evidence and data, program and use computers, and apply
conceptual, analytical, and interpersonal skills to a variety of situations.
These skills are highly marketable in ANY industry.
Students who study cognitive science can build on these generally useful or
transferable skills by choosing concentrations, minors, double majors, or
elective coursework that enhances their knowledge and skills in areas of
particular interest. Such "specialization" may provide preparation and direction
for students planning to pursue a specific career path or program of graduate
study. Likewise, cognitive science students who conduct research projects,
complete internship assignments, work part-time, or volunteer can develop
knowledge and skills that will improve their candidacy for professional
opportunities and/or admission to graduate school.

Sneak Preview: Possible Career Paths for Cognitive Science Students
(직접적 연결 진출 전공 및 직업)
Depending on your choice of concentration, minors, double majors, or elective
courses, and the type of hands on experience you pursue, the following career
fields/areas are just some options if you're studying cognitive science.

Artificial Intelligence/Robotics
Biotechnology/Medical Technology
Research & Development
Customer/Technical Support
Software Development
Human Computer Interaction
Technical Writing
Human Factors/Usability Testing
Information Technology
Training and Education
Web Development

Similarly, there are a variety of graduate programs you may pursue with a
cognitive science degree, some options include:
(관련 진출 전공 및 직업)

Business Administration
Cognitive Science
Computer Science
Human Factors/ Ergonomics
Information Science/Studies
Instructional Systems Technology