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Title인지과학의 대두 (이익환 외, 담화와 인지, 제6권 1호, 1999)2023-04-13 17:06
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학술지 담화와 인지 제6권 1호(1999)에 실린 "인지과학의 대두: 인지과학의 출현에 관한 한 해석 모형(The Emergence of Cognitive Science: The proposal of an interpretation model to the construction of cognitive science)"이라는 논문입니다.
이 논문은 현 학회회장이신 이익환 교수님(연세대 영어영문학과)을 중심으로 연세대학교의 황상민, 이승종, 임중우, 한광희, 이민행 교수님 총6분이 공동으로 발표한 것으로, 학제간 연구의 좋은 예라 하겠습니다.
아래에는 그 영문초록을 적습니다.

The purpose of this paper is to apply an organismic view in examinig the development of cognitive science and its relationship not noly to individual cognitive processes but also to a view of social cognition. Cognition is viewed as an interplay of the influence of envirionment and change of organism. A theory of situated cognition is applied to explicate the subject of cognition and environmental influence, and their interactions. In a sense, it is true that a distinction between the individual and social cognition has inspired the emergence of cognitive science. However, it is suggested that an intergration of these two approaches is necessary. (Yonsei University)