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TitleICONIP 2013 Call for Papers2023-04-13 19:38
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Attachment[ICONIP_2013]Call_for_regular_and_special_session_extended_to_30.pdf (371KB)

Call for regular and special session paper, extended abstract
30 June 2013.

Considering many requests of deadline extension, we decide to extend the deadline to 30 June 2013.
Further extension will be impossible after 30 June.
Do not miss the last opportunity to be a part of the ICONIP 2013.

Key Dates
Deadline for regular and special session paper, extended abstract
30 June 2013
Notification of acceptance
1 August 2013
Deadline for Camera-ready final paper submission
15 August 2013

Contributions are invited in the following area (but not limited to):
• Neuroscience
• Neuro-psychology
• Industrial applications
• Cognitive science
• Demonstration
• Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence
• Learning Theory, Algorithms, and Architectures
• Computational Neuroscience and Brain Imaging
• Vision, Speech and Signal Processing
• Control, Robotics and Hardware Technologies
• Novel approaches and Applications

If you are research involved to following area, please participate in following special sessions:
SS1: Artificial Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition in Geosciences
SS2: Neuro-Robotics
SS3: Neuroengineering
SS4: Learning Analytics: From Personal Learning Data to Open Educational Linked Data
SS5: Intelligent State Estimation and Intrusion Detection for Control Systems
SS6: Applied Soft Computing in Medical Informatics (ASC-MI)
SS7: Brain Inspired Systems - Exploring Functional Roles of Brain Dynamics and Implementation of Brain Functions
SS8: Spiking Neural Networks
SS9: Extracting Latent Features from Multi-Dimensional Data
SS10: Machine Intelligence for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing: Emerging Techniques, Principles and Application
SS11: Human-Robot Interaction: Cognitive modeling for Human Interacting Robot

Click here for more details about Special Sessions

Also selected papers will be included in special issues of the following international journal after substantial extension;
• Neural Networks website (
Topic : Deep Network
Guest editors : Yushua Bengio (University of Montreal, Canada), Honglak Lee (University of Michigan, USA)
• Neurocomputing website (
Topic : TBA
Guest editors : Andrew Leung (The City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Minho Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
• Cognitive Computation website (
Topic : TBA recommendation by Andrew Leung
• Cognitive Systems Research website (
Topic : Robots or Emotion
Guest editors : TBA
• Neural Processing Letters website (
Topic : TBA
Guest editors : TBA

Click here for more details about International Journal

Instruction for paper submission
Paper submission is now available via an official ICONIP 2013 website.
Please follow the guideline below;
Step 1 Visit the following website for paper submission.
Step 2 Make your account of ICONIP 2013 paper submission system.
Step 3 Please choose one category which your paper relevant among 4 categories.
- ICONIP 2013: submission for regular papers
- Special Session: submission for special sessions
- Tutorial
- Workshop
Step 4 Fill up your paper information and authors’ information and submit it.
Don’t forget to choose groups (Oral or Poster) and topics.
Step 5 Confirmation letter will be sent to you by e-mail.
You modify your paper until deadline of paper submission, 30 June 2013.

ICONIP 2013 Online Paper Submission

We look forward to welcoming you to ICONIP 2013 in Daegu!