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TitlePRICAI 2010 개최 안내2023-04-13 18:22
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The 11th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Daegu, Korea, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2, 2010

The Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(PRICAI) is a biennial international event which concentrates on AI
theories, technologies and their applications in the areas of social
and economic importance for countries in the Pacific Rim. The Program
Committee invites technical papers on substantial, original, and
unpublished research in all aspects of Artificial Intelligence. PRICAI
2010 aims to bring together a large and diverse community, which
includes practitioners, researchers, educators, and users.
The conference URL is


ㆍAI foundations
ㆍApplications of AI
ㆍBayesian networks
ㆍBio-inspired intelligence
ㆍCognitive systems
ㆍConstraint satisfaction
ㆍData mining and knowledge discovery
ㆍDecision theory
ㆍEducation and tutoring systems
ㆍEvolutionary computation
ㆍGames and interactive entertainment
ㆍInformation retrieval and extraction
ㆍKnowledge acquisition and ontology
ㆍKnowledge representation
ㆍMachine learning
ㆍMarkov networks
ㆍMultimedia and arts
ㆍMultimodal interaction
ㆍNatural language processing
ㆍNeural networks
ㆍPlanning and scheduling
ㆍProbabilistic inference
ㆍText/Web/Internet mining
ㆍSocial intelligence
ㆍSpeech and dialogue systems
ㆍVision and perception

Paper Submission

Proceedings will be published by Springer as a volume of LNAI series.
All papers should be submitted electronically using the conference
management tool in PDF/DOC format and formatted using Springer LNAI
template ( Submitted
papers should not exceed 12 pages. Submitted papers must not be
published or under consideration to be published elsewhere. Detailed
instructions are available at the conference website.

Call for Proposals for Workshops and Special Sessions

The PRICAI 2010 organizers invite proposals for organizing workshops
and special sessions in the area of Artificial Intelligence in various
topics. See the conference website for details.

Conference Location

The conference will be held at the Novotel Hotel in Daegu. Daegu is the
fourth largest city in South Korea and has been the center of history,
administration, education, and culture. The city has many cultural
heritages and tourist attractions to well display Korean culture as well
as complexes, department stores and large shopping malls.

Important Dates

ㆍPaper Submission Deadline
March 15, 2010

ㆍPaper Acceptance Notification
May 15, 2010

ㆍCamera-ready Papers & Copyright
May 31, 2010

ㆍWorkshop & Special Session Proposals
February 1, 2010

ㆍTutorial Proposals
February 1, 2010

August 30 - September 2, 2010

Committee Members

ㆍGeneral Chairs
Jin-Hyung Kim (KAIST, Korea)
Abdul Sattar (Griffith Univ., Australia)

ㆍProgram Chairs
Byoung-Tak Zhang (Seoul Nat’l Univ., Korea)
Mehmet Orgun (Macquarie Univ., Australia)

ㆍOrganizing Chair
Seong-Bae Park (Kyungpook Nat’l Univ., Korea)

ㆍSpecial Sessions Chairs
Bob McKay (Seoul National Univ., Korea)
Minho Lee (Kyungpook Nat’l Univ., Korea)
Michael Strube (EML Research, Germany)

ㆍTutorials Chairs
Zhi-Hua Zhou (Nanjing Univ., China)
Kee-Eung Kim (KAIST, Korea)

ㆍWorkshops Chairs
Aditya Ghose (Univ. of Wollonggong, Australia)
Shusaku Tsumoto (Shimane Univ., Japan)

ㆍPosters Chairs
Sanjay Chawla (Univ. of Sydney, Australia)
Kyu-Baek Hwang (Soongsil Univ., Korea)

ㆍPublications Chair
Byeong-Ho Kang (Univ. of Tasmania, Australia)

ㆍTreasury Chair
Bo-Yeong Kang (Kyungpook Nat’l Univ., Korea)

ㆍPublicity Chair
Jung-Jin Yang (Catholic Univ., Korea)

Contact Information

ㆍFor conference program and paper submission

ㆍFor registration, accommodation, venue,
transportation and travel info